Terms and conditions


February 6, 2024

Site content

All content published through this site is open under the CC0 licence unless otherwise stated. We make every reasonable effort to locate, contact and acknowledge copyright owners and wish to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.

Where licence terms for individual articles, videos, images and other published content permit republication, you may do so in accordance with the stated terms of the respective licence(s).

Software and services

Source code and files for this site are available from GitHub. Use of our GitHub repository is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct and further details for contribution can be found in NHS-R Statement on Tools.

This site is built using Quarto, an open-source scientific and technical publishing system developed by Posit. Quarto source code and software licences are available from GitHub.

The NHS-R Community website is hosted by GitHub Pages.

This site uses Google Analytics 4 for web analytics reporting.

Code of conduct

The NHS-R Community Code of Conduct is published in the NHS-R Way book and covers our expectations of behaviour in all situations, including events.

Contribution to this website/project can be found in the repository Code of Conduct.

Notice and Takedown Policy

includes sensitive data redaction

Details of the Notice and Takedown Policy can be found in the NHS-R Way book along with details on how submissions with sensitive information will be rectified.

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