Accessibility commitment


February 6, 2024

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Inspired from Silvia Canelón’s commitment to accessibility NHS-R Community welcomes feedback on the accessibility of this site and any links to its materials including code and training materials. We have used the Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool to manually check for accessibility errors and corrected where possible.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. Please let us know if you find any problems not listed on this page or if we are not meeting accessibility requirements, email

Website practices

This site has been designed with the following features in mind:

  • The colour palette is from NHS branding.
  • Fonts are set to Arial which is an NHS font.
  • Alternative text is used for all images.

Any learning will be used to improve the site and will also be shared with the community more widely through book resources like our Open Analytics page where we have started to collect links that support greater Accessibility.

Non-accessible content

Search button

This is generated automatically through rendering a Quarto website and appears as an empty button.

There is an open issue on Quarto’s GitHub.

Default thumbnail image for blogs - no alternative text

The thumbnails for default images in blogs do not have alternative text, this particularly affects the blogs brought across from the original WordPress site as new blogs have specific images added. In code this relates to the image-placeholder:.

There is an open issue on Quarto’s GitHub and an issue on the website GitHub.

Poor contrast colours

There are elements on the pages where there is insufficient colour contrast:

  • Blog listing where the following pages is listed as .... This is currently too light to view. This is an issue on the website’s GitHub.

Missing level headers

There are elements on the pages where first and second level heading is missing.

Event handlers may not be accessible

This website has used JavaScript events in Quarto and may not be accessible to both mouse and keyboard users.

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